
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Jane Austen is one of the most outstanding authoresses in Britain during the end of 18th century to the beginning of 19th century. In most of her works, she mainly described the family life of squires and the love and marriage between young people because she was born in a small rural town. Although there is not too much big social conflict in her works, we can find the social moral standards and values of that time by reading the details of daily life in her works.
Through the unique observation of woman and detailed description of characters, Jane Austen creates some women who are intelligent, thoughtful and have distinctive personalities. In Sense and Sensibility, the first published novel of Jane Austen, she describes the life and love experiences of Elinor and Marianne by focusing on comparing the different personalities between the two sisters. However, because of their contrary personalities,英语毕业论文,it is difficult to analyze the images of the two sisters accurately. Thus different readers have different opinions to the two sisters.
This thesis analyses the image of Marianne in Sense and Sensibility from the viewpoint of feminism. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part gives a brief introduction to the author and the social background, as well as the main plot of Sense and Sensibility and the protagonist of this paper, Marianne. The second part analyses influence of feudal ideology on Marianne. Combining with the words and behaviors of Marianne, the second part also analyses the image of Marianne from the feminist perspectives. The third part shows the distinctive feminist character of Marianne by briefly listing other characters and comparing them with Marianne. The last part is the conclusion of the whole thesis. It summarizes the feminist thoughts showed by Marianne and what can we learn from her.

Keywords: Sense and Sensibility; Jane Austen; Marianne; feminism

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