
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


托马斯·哈代 (1840-1928)是横跨19和20世纪的英国维多利亚时代著名的批判现实主义小说家和诗人,尤以其“性格与环境”小说——“威赛克斯小说集”而著名。哈代通过著作表达了对自然与女性的双重关注。其笔下的女性角色深受男性与社会的控制,多以悲剧收场。本文从生态女性主义的角度来解读其代表著作《卡斯特桥市长》(1886)。论文引言部分主要介绍了生态女性主义、作者哈代以及前人的相关探讨。主体部分主要分为三大点展开。首先阐述了男性对自然与女性的忽视与压制,英语论文,接着略论了自然与女性的联系,最后研讨了小说中两位女性角色的悲剧。通过略论哈代笔下的女性与自然的联系及悲剧,本文揭示了女性与自然深刻的内在关系以及父权社会对自然与女性的压制,以希望引起世人的关注,而号召人类号召人类建立平等的男女联系并构建和谐的人与自然联系。

关键词  自然,英语论文,女性,父权社会,悲剧


Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), a reputable critical realistic novelist and poet in the Victorian age of the 19th century and the 20th century, is famous for his “character and environment” novels, known as “Wessex Novels”. Hardy expressed his dual attention to women and nature through his works. The female characters in his novels suffer from the domination of men and the society, who usually end with tragedies. Women and nature are suppressed by men and the patriarchal society. This paper interprets Hardy’s masterpiece The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886) from the perspective of eco-feminism. The introduction part mainly introduces eco-feminism, Hardy and the previous study. The body part is divided into three chapters. It firstly illustrates men’s neglect of nature and oppression of women. Then it analyzes the relation between women and nature and finally discusses the tragedies of the two female characters. In the end, it points out the tragedies of the two female characters. This paper reveals the deep interrelations between women and nature and the patriarchal society’s oppression of women and nature by analyzing the relation between women and nature and women’s tragedies. This paper intends to arouse people’s attention and call on human beings to establish an equal status between men and women and a harmonious relation between nature and mankind.

Keywords  nature, women, patriarchal society, tragedy

1    Introduction
Thomas Hardy, one of the most significant novelists and poets of the Victorian age, is regarded as a master in his time and even in the whole history of British literature for his well-known Wessex Novels. Hardy, son of a builder and stonemason, was born in an obscure county in the upper Bockhampton to the east of Dorchester, England, where he lived for most of his lifetime. The picturesque natural scenery there deeply impressed Hardy and influenced his literary creation, as it is conspicuous that there are quite a lot of descriptions of nature in almost all of his novels. It is his mother, a well-read woman, who educated Hardy before he went to school at the age of eight. He finished his formal education at school at sixteen, because his family can not support him any more. But in his years at school, he studied Latin which can be seen in his novels. After that he became an apprentice of an architect like his father, the period as an architect later became the sources of his creation.
