
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Doris Lessing is one of the most famous female writers in 20th century, and some scholars regard her as the greatest writer after Virginia Woolf. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2017. Many works of Doris Lessing embody her feminist consciousness, and the work—To Room Nineteen is one of them. The heroine of To Room Nineteen is a modern intellectual woman with female self-consciousness who desires freedom and independence. She is looking forward to her own space, showing female’s self-liberation in spirit and mentally under masculine culture. It shows the awakening and development process of Susan’s feminist ideology from the “Mother’s room”, the “small quiet hotel” at Victoria, to the “room nineteen”. This paper also studies the relationship between room images and the awakening and developing of Susan’s feminist ideology through the analysis of room images. Doris Lessing reveals the tragic life of women in the patriarchal society under the consciousness of life through Susan’s image. Meanwhile, the work also shows Doris Lessing’s female consciousness.

Keywords: To Room Nineteen; Room; Feminism; Doris Lessing; Image

摘 要:

多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing, 1919—2017)是20世纪英国著名的女作家之一,有学者将她看作继弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫之后最伟大的女作家,英语论文英语毕业论文,2017年她荣获诺贝尔文学奖。莱辛的许多小说都体现了她的女性意识,《到十九号房间》就是其中之一。《到十九号房间》的女主人公苏珊是一位具有女性自我意识,渴望自由与独立的现代知识女性。她寻觅自我空间,找寻完全属于自己的房间,体现了在男权社会意识下女性在精神上、心理上的自我解放。从三楼的“母亲的房间”,到维多利亚的一个小旅馆的房间,最后到第十九号房间,这体现了苏珊女性意识的觉醒与发展的过程。本文通过对不同房间的意象进行略论,来探讨房间意象与苏珊的女性意识的觉醒与发展的关系。莱辛以房间意象揭露了在男权社会意识压迫下的悲惨女性,同时著作也体现出莱辛的女性主义意识。


1 Introduction
    Doris Lessing is one of the famous British female writers in 20th century. The Golden Notebook and The Fifth child are her master works. She is regarded as one of the most famous female writers after Vrginia Woolf, and she was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2017. To Room Nineteen is one of Lessing’s famous short stories, and was published in 1963. Meanwhile, it is another excellent work which embodies her feminist consciousness after The Golden Notebook. The women’s issues are the theme of this novel. This story puts emphasis on excavating female’s inner world, and it also truly reflects modern intellectual women’s lonely heart and puzzlement in life during 20th century. This paper begins with the female consciousness, then combined with the feminist theory, arguing for the relations between the awakening and development of Susan’s feminist consciousness and room images. “Feminist theory is a kind of literary criticism informed by feminism, which includes general about the inequality between sexes, social thinking of sex and gender.”  At the same time, it analyzes the characteristics of Doris Lessing’s feminist consciousness-through the female’s view and female’s experience and presents female’s fragmented love life, and it makes readers feel about female’s situation and status, then thinks deeply about women’s issues in social life.
