
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The subject of time is the core subject of modern literature. As a typical modernist, Fitzgerald shows great interest in the subject of time in his representative work The Great Gatsby. 
In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald’s thinking on time is reflected in the experience of time by the major characters and the artistic forms of the novel. Gatsby’s experience of time, in essence, falls into Bergson’s category of “subjective time”. According to Bergson, subjective time refers to the continuous flow of subjective consciousness of human beings. Gatsby’s experience of time is the experience of subjective time which is reflected in his stream of consciousness. By drawing comparisons between the experiences of time by Gatsby and Baker, Fitzgerald highlights the significance of subjective time. Moreover, Gatsby is a person who lives in the past, which is also the reflection of his experience of subjective time. The emphasis put on the significance of the past in his life implies that we human beings are historical beings and the value of the past and tradition should not be ignored.
Thirdly, the novel also implies the destructive power of time and the limitation of the subjective time by demonstrating the futile efforts by the major characters. Lastly, through the voice of Nick, Fitzgerald expresses his pursuit and desire of creating order and sense in the modern wasteland. Fitzgerald’s ideas on time are also reflected in the symbolic meanings of Gatsby’s house, automobiles and accidents. The narrative structure of the novel also reflects Fitzgerald’s ideas on time. 

Key Words: The Great Gatsby  Fitzgerald  the time motif  inheriting tradition 



