
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) is the most famous poetess in the history of the American literature and the pioneer of Britain and America’s modernist poems. Although Dickinson lived her life alone and away from people, this preeminently intelligent poetess had a colorful inner world and she constantly explored the true meaning of life, nature, death and immortality. Hence, she wrote a large amount of poems about death. Among the 1775 poems she wrote, more than 600 poems focus on death or talk about death. Most of her death poems do not reflect fear, anger, pessimism and disappointment. On the contrary, they reveal surprise, love, expectation and imperturbation faced with death.
    This paper discusses the death theme of Emily Dickinson’s poems. Chapter one starts with a brief introduction to her life, her poetic creation and influence, the themes and features of her poems, and present research status. Chapter two, the main body of the paper, selects three classic death poems and analyzes the death theme through the perspectives of death image, death consciousness, death and immortality, etc. Chapter three analyzes Dickinson’s attitude to death and reasons for it. Finally, a conclusion is made.

Keywords:  Emily Dickinson  poems  death theme



关键词: 狄金森;诗歌;死亡主题

1.1 Emily Dickinson
    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) is the most famous poetess in the history of the American literature and the pioneer of Britain and America’s modernist poems. Born in Amherst, Dickinson is not only one of the most prolific poets in American literature, but also an independent genius and an innovative talent with pioneering insight far ahead of her time. When she was young, she led a financially comfortable life in a well-respected family who believed in Calvinism in New England community, which had once been the earliest settlement for the Puritans. Even today, its influence in politics and culture can still be sensed by the whole nation. As a poetess living in the transitional period when American traditional religion and thoughts were undergoing great changes, Dickinson strongly expressed her own idea about the world, her doubt to herself and to the culture that had cultivated her. “Calvinism with its doctrine of predestination and its pessimism pressured her during her childhood and adolescence and colored her work so that her basic tone was tragic.”(Chang Yaoxin, 2017: 135) She kept unmarried, secluded her life to her father’s home, focused on the art of poetry, produced 1775 poems, and led a life full of self-awareness.
