存在主义视角下 《看不见的人》[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Ralph Ellison is one of the most famous contemporary African-American writers, as well as the most influential American writers of the twentieth century. His most prestigious book Invisible Man was named the most important and influential novel of the United States since World War II in 1965. Although the protagonist is a black person, the book goes far beyond traditional “race novel”, with its aiming at the universal issue— identity and existence. Worldwide economic boom since the end of World War II contributed to the disintegration of the traditional belief systems, which leads to the relatively spiritual vacuum globally. Given the specific situation, Invisible Man severs as a reminder, triggering the continuous discussion from both literary and philosophy circles.
This thesis argues that the Invisible Man is the embodiment of existentialism. All the efforts and attempts the hero adopted were out of the purpose to prove myself, to be seen and then confirm his self-identity. The thesis mainly falls into four main sides, “the limited circumstances”, the ambiguity of identity, attempts to reach free choice, looking inside oneself for the answer. Analyze hero's acts and attempts in the light of existentialism to enhance the meaning of the book.
The result of this thesis will be a supplement to the existing research and serve as a guide out of the “spiritual crisis” nowadays. It may also be an enlightenment in a new dimension to try to answer the ultimate question – who am I, where I am from and where I shall go.

Key words: invisible man, existentialism, identity confirmation, free choice, spiritual crisis
