
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20



关键词: 《杀死一只知更鸟》,二元对立,主题,人物刻画


As the only full-length novel written by Haber Lee in her life, To kill a mockingbird won the Pulitzer prizes--the highest literature prize in the United State. The novel has a clear structure and plot, witnesses the America’s social and racial problems in the eye of “ children”, which has also make people’ concern their focus on the education of children. The novel has been studies by different perspectives, such as in Gothic perspective, in children eduction perspective and so on. However, few people has studied it from a binary opposition perspective. So, this thesis aims to to give an integrative and systematic stylistic analysis of this novel, exploring how the binary opposition is applied all through the novel, including its themes, characterization, thus vividly showing the opposition between the blacks and whites which confines the oppressed.
The term “binary opposition” refers to a pair of terms differentiated by their opposition to on another which is often used as a technique in evaluating literary works. Instead of being mutually exclusive, the oppositions are often complementary to each other, This thesis is to give a detailed analysis of the binary oppositions in the text from different perspectives.
The thesis consists of three parts. Part one is the introduction, briefly introducing the writer, the critical responses to the novel and the concept of binary opposition. Part two is the main body of the thesis which is composed of two chapters. Chapter one focuses on binary oppositions in the them. In this chapter, the oppositions hidden in the whole text will be abstracted into three binary oppositions: good and evil, equality and prejudice, against the authority and maintain the authority. Chapter two mainly deals with the binary oppositions in characterization. In this chapter, the oppositions between the protagonist---Tom Robinson and father and daughter of The Ewells, Jean Louise “Scout” Finch and Aunt Alexandra, Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson . Through analyzing the binary oppositions in the novel, we can have a better and thorough understanding of its themes and characters.

Key words: To kill a mockingbird, Binary opposition, Themes, Characterization
