
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


厄内斯特•海明威是二十世纪美国最著名的作家之一, 以其简洁凝练、深沉含蓄的艺术风格著称于世。短篇小说《杀人者》是他的代表作,英语论文范文,在美国评论界中被誉为短篇小说之经典。在《杀人者》中,海明威赋予了《杀人者》中主要人和物以深刻的象征意义,使得小说简短却不平凡,其帮助读者理解小说主题起着重要的影响。比如,两个杀手象征了当时流行的歌舞杂耍表演文化,同时也暗示了事物的二元性。奥利和山姆象征了小说人物被动性和无法掌控自己的命运的无奈。同时,小说中出现的时钟,英语论文题目,不仅暗示小说人物的冷漠,而且表达了小说充满不确定性和困惑的主题。本文试图对小说中的这些象征物进行详尽的略论,并从这些象征物出发研讨该小说的主题。



As one of the most influential American writers of the twentieth century,Ernest Hemingway is known as artistic style of concise and simple language with profound meaning. The Killers, representative of his masterpieces, is hailed as the classic of short story. The main characters and objects in it were given deep symbolic meaning, which makes this work outstanding and the reader easier to understand its themes. For instance, the two killers not only represent the vaudeville culture at that time, but also symbolize the duality in this short story. The theme of passivity and inability to control one’s life is symbolized by the symbol of Ole Anderson and Sam. Not only does the clock in the story indicate characters’ indifference, but also the theme of uncertainty or confusion. This purpose of this paper is to find these symbols and their role in illustrating the short story’s theme.

Key words: The Killers, symbolism, the theme

1 Introduction
Being one of the most influential American writers of the twentieth century, Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) was not only a writer of novels and short stories, but also a journalist, playwright, critic, and filmmaker. After graduating in 1917 from Oak Park High School, he worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star, and the next year, he joined the Red Cross and served as a First World War ambulance driver before enlisting with the Italian infantry and suffering a wound. After the war, he worked for the Toronto Star and lived for a time in Paris and Key West, Fla. During the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War, he served as a newspaper correspondent, and then lived in Cuba until 1958 and Idaho until 1961, the year he committed suicide. Hemingway’s works frequently demonstrates masculine theme, such as bull-fighting in Death in the Afternoon, hunting in The Green Hills of Africa, war in both A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls, as well as fishing in The Old Man and the Sea which helps him win the Nobel Prize in literature in 1954. The theme of masculine and many other themes are usually derived from Hemingway’s own experiences as a traveler and an adventurer. Although it is his longer works that build his reputation, many critics believe that he is a better short-story writer than a novelist.
