
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


F. 斯科特•菲茨杰拉德是美国二十世纪“爵士时代”最重要的代言人,与海明威和福克纳齐名,其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》被公认为“一部伟大的美国小说”和二十世纪最佳英文小说之一。小说以细腻感伤的笔触描写了那个年代上流社会的梦想、爱情和失败,揭示并批判了美国梦破灭的悲剧,为他所生活的“爵士时代”描绘了一幅狂欢与没落的图景。《了不起的盖茨比》在二战中受到极大欢迎,激发了学界的热烈反应,英语论文,针对小说的探讨和解读丰富多样,包括对菲茨杰拉德本人生活的争论、小说主题和象征性的探索、叙事风格的讨论,而应用女性主义和精神略论学进行的新阐释也层出不穷。



F. Scott Fitzgerald is the most important spokesman of the “Jazz Age” in 20th-century America, one of the most accomplished American writers along with Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner. As Fitzgerald’s magnum opus, The Great Gatsby has been widely considered a “great American novel” and ranks among the best novels in the English language. The Great Gatsby probes romantically and tragically into idealism, decadence, social upheaval, love and failure, revealing the bankruptcy of the American Dream and creating a vivid portrait of the hilarious and disillusioned “Jazz Age.” After its great success during WWI, The Great Gatsby also received heated critical responses and triggered a wide range of studies on its themes, symbols, narrative, artistic maturity, and various readings from new perspectives, such as feminism and psychoanalysis. 
The greatness of the novel’s artistry is largely due to its narrative style, with the (un)reliability of the character narrator Nick Carraway remaining a central issue. Since it is not yet determined whether Nick should be regarded a reliable or unreliable narrator, this thesis focuses on the paradoxes in Nick’s narration from a narratological perspective, borrowing concepts such as implied author and (un)reliability, in order to understand the conflicts between narrator and the implied author, thus to examine the Fitzgerald’s philosophy of composition and the function of this narrative strategy in revealing the paradoxical American psyche. 

Key words: The Great Gatsby, paradoxes, narratological perspective
