
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


William Makepeace Thackeray is one of the best writers in the world. His great work, Vanity Fair, describes the heroine—Becky’s life experience, whose personality deserves us to study and analyze.
Firstly, the passage describes the formation of Becky’s personality: Becky’s early family background, her experience at boarding school and Becky’s love affair and marriage make her have independent, persistent, optimistic and persuasive personalities. Then, Becky’s personality has really powerful influence on other people’s life. She has caused really bad influence to her husband; she even shows little care to her son, and her son does not have a happy childhood. And she even destroys her best friend---Amelia’s happy marriage. What’s more, Becky causes really bad influence to the upper class. People around her adore her and feel proud for being her friends. The basic rules seem to change.
Even though we have a more open-minded society; women’s social status becomes higher, and women do not have to rely on their husbands to live, we can learn from part of her personalities. Becky’s independence, persistence, and optimistic moods all deserve us to learn. And modern society requires these characters more. Learning her good characters can help us to live better in the society. But as for her bad personalities, we should set them as a mirror and try to avoid.

Key words: Becky; efforts; Rawdon

摘  要

首先,本论文描述了贝基性格的形成原因,贝基早期的家庭环境,她在寄宿学校的求学经历,以及她的爱情与婚姻,都使得她的性格变得独立,坚韧,乐观,而又充满感染力。紧接着,英语论文题目,本文又描绘了贝基性格造成的作用。他对他的丈夫的生活产生了极坏的作用,她忽视了对她儿子的关心,她的儿子也没有快乐的童年。贝基甚至还毁掉了她的好朋友—阿米莉亚的幸福,不仅如此,贝基还对上流社会造成了极坏的作用。 她身边的朋友都崇拜她,对成为她的朋友感到骄傲。

