
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Thomas Hardy is prominent for pessimistic and fatalistic thoughts in his works. In Jude the Obscure, Hardy denounces unfair and unreasonable education and marriage system in the Victorian society by describing Jude’s unfulfilled ambitions, Jude’s unconventional love with Sue and Sue’s yielding to social conventions.
This paper intends to analyze Hardy’s fatalistic thoughts in this novel by three parts. The first part mainly presents a brief introduction to Jude the Obscure and its author Thomas Hardy. The second part is the body of this paper, analyzing fatalism in this novel by examples. Then, the third part explains the factors leading to Hardy’s fatalistic thoughts from social reasons and his life experience.
To scrutinize fatalistic thoughts in this novel, the author of this paper collects and examines numerous materials concerning this novel, its author and fatalism. This paper shows that for Hardy, people are powerless when confronting fate, that everything has destined. Just like Jude and Sue, they all fight against injustice and prejudice, but are doomed to fail because society overpowers individuals.
This paper tries to be helpful in enriching analysis of fatalism in Jude the Obscure, helping readers develop a further understanding of fatalistic thoughts in Hardy’s works and his relentless criticism toward the Victorian society.

Key words: Jude the Obscure; fatalism; unfulfilled ambitions; tragic

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