
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Jane Austen, a 19th century English famous novelist, is one of the most influential women writers in the world's literary history, and her novels sweep the false romanticism trend in the early 19th century and develop the outstanding realistic tradition in the 18th century. In Jane Austen’s works, Cinderella Complex is throughout the marriage themes. In literature, Jane Austen is famous for rationalism but in the discussion of marriage, she represents her idealism. This may make us wonder what exactly Jane Austen’s marriage view is Jane Austen’s marital view is not the same as traditional ones, it is a combination of Idealism and Rationalism.
    This thesis deals with Jane Austen’s combination of Idealism and Rationalism from three aspects. Firstly, the thesis introduces the famous British writer Jane Austen and her life stories. At the same time, it introduces the story of her works Emma and Sense and Sensibility,as well as Jane Austen’s marital view reflected in these two novels. Secondly, it provides the definition of Idealism and Rationalism and how they are reflected in Emma and Sense and Sensibility, and Jane Austen’s attitude towards Idealism and Rationalism. This thesis will answer all these questions above Thirdly, it analyzes characters of the two works and how Rationalism and Idealism are reflected in Emma and Sense and Sensibility. Finally, the thesis comes to the conclusion that what’s Jane Austen’s attitude towards marriage and her real beliefs towards love. How she chooses between rationalism love and idealism love.

Key words: Jane Austen; Idealism; Rationalism; Cinderella complex
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