
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The Hours is an experimental novel about the famous stream of consciousness novel writer Virginia Woolf and her masterpiece Mrs. Dalloway. A day in the life of three women, structure a work about human loss, despair, fear, longing and love. Cunningham set three times in the same time dimension through the subtle relationship between three women, through parallel narrative to reflect the essence of female’s value and life. The Hours have three lines, 1920s, Virginia Woolf, a writer; 1950s, Mrs. Brown, a housewife; at the end of the twentieth Century, Clarissa, a middle-aged female editor. Three women have subtle relationship, but the three women have different endings, their different attitudes toward life and values make them have their own different endings.
For The Hours, there is more research is about the intertextuality between The Hours and Mrs. Dalloway, and the feminist that this book shows. This paper researches the three protagonists’ different values and the different attitudes towards life in the book, and analyzes the collision of different values between them. This paper is based on the three protagonists’ background, attitude towards life, affecting the surrounding men and society give their role to analyze their different values, to understand the reason for their effects on different outcomes and their different values. Their different values have different source of inspiration for contemporary women.

Key words: female; values; Virginia Woolf; collision

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关键词 :女性; 价值观; 弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫; 碰撞
