
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Ian McEwan is contemporarily one of the most famous writers in British. His writing style is too special to favor both the audience and the experts in writing. Among all his works, the novel Atonement is the representative of McEwan’s. This novel combined fiction with reality and metafiction is about understanding and responding to the need for atonement. This essay tries to explore the uniqueness of this novel through demonstration and analysis of its postmodernist characteristics, the fictional and realistic components in the novel, and its metafictional coda. In this way, it aims to give a full display of McEwan’s writing talents and help readers to better understand his works.

Keywords: Atonement; Ian McEwan; metafiction; fiction; reality

摘  要:


关键词: 赎罪;伊恩•麦克尤恩;元小说;虚构现实

1.1 Introduction of the Author and Novel
Ian McEwan is one of the most influential writers of English literature. He is born on 21 June 1948 in Aldershot, England. He studies at the University of Sussex, where he receives a BA degree in English Literature in 1970. He receives his MA degree in English Literature at the University of East Anglia. He is resolute, quick thinking, with tireless quest spirit. His works are short stories, mostly so bizarre, absurd, be called “black comedy”. He wins Man Booker Prize nominations four times, and in 2017, he publishes Atonement, also wins the 2017 Man Booker Prize nominations, which is made into an Oscar-winning film, and the special writing tactic that we are now going to study.
