
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The novel Little Women is Louisa May Alcott’s (November 29, 1832—March 6, 1888) most famous work. This novel was written in 1868, and it was based on her  childhood experiences with her three sisters. This novel is very popular among children and adults around the world, because of its simple language, and inner beauty. March sisters have different personalities and talents. Pretty Meg, was the oldest girl, and Jo followed her. Beth is the third child in the family. Amy is the youngest. There are interesting characters who should be paid more attention to. In this thesis, March sisters’ disposition, and the cause of their dispositions are discussed, the characters in Little Women and those in Moment in Peking are compared . And it will discuss fair lady education.

Keyword: Little Women; disposition; Moment in Peking; Meg; Jo; Beth; Amy

摘 要:



1 Introduction
Little Women is a fantastic novel about girls’ growing up and love affairs. It is worthy of attention.
1.1 About March sisters
Little Women is a romance. The novel follows the lives of four sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March – and is loosely based on the author's childhood experiences with her three sisters. Pretty Meg was the oldest (sixteen to thirty-one). When she was sixteen, she had already showed domestic tastes and talents, though she detested the drudgery of household work; and, dreamed herself as an upper-class person, longed at heart to be a fine lady. Jo (fifteen to thirty), was tall, thin, and coltish, and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions.
