
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


“Gothic” is originated from the sturdiest tribe “Gothic"”in ancient Germanic, and lately, this statement was applied to literature which became the synonymous with “Dark Romanticism”. Poe’s works gives  in-depth analyses of the themes of death, evil, revenge, incest, personality disorders, and supernatural phenomena, his writing style is not only the heritage of the essence of the Gothic tradition, but also broadens the meaning of the Gothic novels courageously. Diffident from traditional Gothic works, Poe has changed the conventional thinking habits, created the psychological analysis in composition, and deeply rooted the mood of terror in the reader's mind. This paper mainly discusses Poe’s major classical works, explores his unique Gothic style, the in-depth analyse about Poe’s use of elements like death, revenge, violence, etc., as well as the aesthetic value of Poe’s Gothic style.

Keywords: Edgar Allan Poe; the Gothic style; Dark Romanticism

摘  要

“哥特式”起源于古代日耳曼民族中最为彪悍的部落“哥特”,英语论文,后来这种说法被应用到文学中,成为”黑色浪漫主义”的代名词。坡的著作深入剖析了死亡、罪恶、复仇、乱伦和病态人格等主题以及超自然现象,其写作手法不仅传承了哥特传统之精髓,更大胆的拓宽了哥特小说的内涵。与传统的哥特小说不同,坡改变了传统的创作定式思维,开创了心理略论的先河,英语论文题目,并将恐怖的意境深深根植  于读者心中。本文对坡主要经典著作进行探讨和总汇,研讨坡式独特的哥风格,深入剖析坡对死亡、复仇、暴力等等元素的精彩应用,以及坡式哥特风格美学价值。

