
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

关键词:简奥斯汀;傲慢与偏见;婚姻观 ;主见


Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the British woman writers in the nineteenth century. As a daughter of the local rector,she never entered a formal school, she was well educated by her family. As a matter of fact ,apart from drawing and piano playing(women’s education of her time),all her education is to read her father’s books of both the serious and the popular literature of the day.Her father had a library of 500 books in 1801.she did a fair amount of reading .Later at the age of 11 or 12 ,she began to write. In her life time, she was engaged in writing but received little public recognition. Pride and Prejudice is her masterpiece .This paper takes daily life as material, which is different from sentimental content and pretentious writing style at that time.It vividly reflects England township life and manners of the world under conservative state from the beginning of the 18th century to the 19th century. In this novel Austen describes different attitudes toward marriage of Bennet’s five daughters, which shows different attitudes of girls who were born in the township middle class family toward love and marriage issues, thus reflecting the author's view of marriage. From the novel Elizabeth is clever, courageous and visionary, and she also has a strong self-esteem, and good thinking. As one of girls to be married at that time, this is commendable. Because of this quality, she is independent-minded on the issue of love and leads a happy family life with Darcy . Charlotte’s beauty and wisdom can compare with those of Elizabeth, but she does not have enough courage to insist on her love. So she married to Mr.Collins in order to lead her comfortable life.Elizabeth and Charlotte are all beautiful women.But because of their different background ,character and attitudes to marriage,they choose different marriage. 

Key words: Jane Austen ; Pride and Prejudice ; marriage ; independent-minded
