
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Hawthorne starts a new era of American novels by using his psychological analysis technique, which has important influence on creation of American literature and the world literature. The Scarlet Letter is one of his lasting masterpieces. Under the Puritan thoughts of original sin and inner depravity, Hawthorne’s depiction of Hester’s multiple characters breaks the pattern of depicting single personality in the literature. Hester’s character experiences from rebellion to regression,and she changes from a independent and brave feminist to a spokeswoman of the traditional religion.  Hester, the heroine of the romance, is influenced by the Puritan thoughts. Meanwhile, she is portrayed as a new icon of women with pursuit of self-reliance, indifference to rumors, and eagerness for quality and love.

Key words: The Scarlet Letter;rebellion; regression; Puritanism
Chapter One Introduction
Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1804. He was the offspring of a eminent family among the immigrants. His ancestors were Protestants, and his father once was a sea captain. In several years, Hawthorne left Salem and then entered College in Maine. For a time in the 1830's, he edited a magazine in Boston, and then worked at the customs office. He lived for a few months at Brook Farm, one of the famous New England experiments in communal living. And he lived in a time when capitalism was developing, and that there was a great transformation from the old system to a new one. As Nina Baym(1986:57) asserts in his book: By 1849 Hawthorne had begun writing The Scarlet Letter, his dismissal from the customs office in June of that year and the trauma of his mother's death in July having been the catalysts. The Custom House experience has given him immediate insights into the institutional workings of a social system, while the death of his mother, recorded with unparalleled intensity in his notebooks, brought psychic disturbances uniquely to the surface (Euston 1996: 189). So, it is in this situation that The Scarlet Letter came into being.
