
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Beloved is the well-known novel written by the American black female writer Toni Morrison. It mainly tells that a black female slave Sethe killed her daughter in order to save her from slavery. But the ghost of her daughter comes back to punish mother’s behavior ceaselessly. This novel shows that whether in history or in reality, black female may be the group which was oppressed deepest and suffered from both the racial discrimination and the gender oppression. This paper is to analyze four main female characters in this novel: Beloved, Sethe, Denver and Baby Suggs so as to reveal the seeking of identity by black female and the exploration of the way out for black female by Morrison.

Key words: Beloved, Toni Morrison, female characters



关键词:《宠儿》, 托尼•莫里森, 女性角色

1. Introduction
1.1    An Introduction to Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison was born on February 18, 1931 and spent the first years of her life in Ohio. She achieved a bachelor’s degree in English when she studied in Howard University, and then she completed a master’s degree of Arts at Cornell. After being an academic English Professor at Howard, Morrison became an editor at Random House, where she was mainly responsible for the editorial work of black fiction. Meanwhile, she started writing a series of creative works. In 1993, those works made her the first African American woman to achieve the Nobel Prize for Literature. In 1970, her novel The Bluest Eye was published. Her novel Sula in 1974 won Morrison a nomination for the National Book Award. In 1977, Morrison won the National Book Critics Circle Award with her novel Song of Solomon. Her other works comprise Tar Baby in 1981, Jazz in 1992, Paradise in 1998, and, of course, Beloved. That novel Beloved, recognized as her best, won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1988. Today, Morrison is to serve as the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Council of Humanities at Princeton University, where she conducts undergraduate workshops in creative writing.
