
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Oscar Wilde, one of the most famous playwrights in the 19th century, is well-known all over the world for his plays, poems, novels and fairy tales. Wilde has rich confidence and full talents. Although he lives a miserable life in his remaining years, his amazing artistic achievements are still enough to make him to be the world’s classic artist. His fairy tales are very popular among the vast numbers of readers, thus, Oscar Wilde is known as “the prince of fairy tales”. This article focuses on various aspects, including Oscar Wilde’s life experience, the change of his faith and different things he experienced in different times, in order to draw out the origin and content of aestheticism; and discusses the specific meaning of aestheticism and its impact to the world by the specific analysis of The Happy Prince and The Fisherman and His Soul

Key words: Oscar Wilde; fairy tales; aestheticism; origin; impact



关键词:奥斯卡•王尔德; 童话; 唯美主义; 起源; 作用

1. Introduction to Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde (1854--1900) is the representative figure of aestheticism movement at the end of 19th century. He was born in an Irish surgeon's family in Dublin in 1854 and graduated from Oxford University. When he firstly entered the society, he did not realize the danger of human nature. He called himself “professor aesthetics and art critic” and claimed that even if he did not have a good reputation, he was doomed to be famous. Finally, Wilde chose to go to the metropolis of London. He was so eager to become famous that he was always well dressed and wandered in different social circles. Light opera Patience satirized the funny scene of Oscar Wilde walking down Piccadilly Street with frivolous steps (Gilbert & Sullivan, 1881). Maverick style soon made Oscar Wilde well-known, thus he got the opportunity of speech tour in America. When he travelled to the west, Oscar Wilde also gained himself a reputation for being frank and generous. The four month trip made Oscar Wilde a celebrity around the Atlantic Ocean.
