
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





This thesis is a study on an issue how Wuthering Heights is affected by Emily•Bronte’s experience and personality. Through analyzing the content, linguistic features and emotional coloring of Wuthering Heights, we learn that Emily’s father was a priest and her introverted personality was impacted by him, what’s more, she desired surreal and absolute freedom, loved illusion and gave sympathy to the impoverished. All of these indicated the content and the keynote of the great art of work Wuthering Heights .

Key words: Emily•Bronte ,Wuthering Heights, experience, personality

1. Introduction
1.1    About The writer----Emily Bronte
There appeared a group of excellent women novelists in the British literature of the nineteenth century, such as Jane Austen, Mrs. Gaskell, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Anne Bronte, George Eliot and so on. Among them, the three Bronte sisters, just like three permanent brilliant stars, are shining in the spacious sky of the world literature.
Emily Bronte (1818-1848), an early Victory woman writer, born in Thornton, near Bradford, Yorkshire on July 30, 1818, differed from her elder sister, Charlotte Bronte, in having a more passionate and rebellious character. She was also the 5th child of the Reverend Patrick Bronte, a stern Evangelical curate, and his wife Maria. She was an English poet, as well as a novelist who was considered as a gifted woman writer. Finally, she died of consumption after she spent about thirty years in the world, unmarried. Emily Bronte is considered one of the most important yet elusive figures in nineteenth-century English literature. “Stronger than a man, simpler than a child”, said by Charlotte, is Emily Bronte’s true epitaph, both as an artist and as a human being. Although her life is brief and relatively isolated on the Yorkshire moors, Emily had left behind a literary legacy in Victorian literature that includes one of the most widely read novels in the English language, some 193 poems and verses fragments, seven French exercises, a few birthday notes, and three brief letters.
