
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Alice Munro is a Canadian writer and well-known as “Chekhov of Canada”. She was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature. Munro is good at writing stories about women. In her early works, heroines are some girls who have just entered family life. At a later stage, heroines become women who are mired in mid-life crisis and trivial life. Fiction is the second story of the short story collection of Too Much Happiness. The paper intends, from the feminist perspective, to analyze writing techniques, the portrait of characters and psychological description employed in the story, for an appropriate interpretation or analysis of Fiction, discussing Munro's view on feminism, so as to hopefully have a better or deeper understanding of her work.

Keywords: Alice Munro; “Fiction” ; psychological description; feminism

摘  要:



1 Introduction
The author of Fiction is Alice Munro. She is a Canadian writer and well-known as “Chekhov of Canada”. In 1968, her first short story collection Dance of the Happy Shades was published, which won Canadian Governor General Award. The works of Alice Munro have been translated into many languages around the world. As a writer, she is highly praised by the readers and the media. In October 10, 2017, Alice Munro was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature by Swedish Academy, for the reason that she is a contemporary literary master of short fiction. Alice Munro becomes the 13th women of the Nobel Prize for literature in the history.
Fiction is the second story of the collection of short stories Too Much Happiness, and it tells the story of the actress Joyce .The story has two chapters. The first chapter introduces the process of meeting, falling in love and breaking up which happen between Joyce and Jon. Jon and Joyce meet at an urban high school in Ontario. They all have high IQ and have a great vision for the future life. But there is a difference between reality and imagine. In their first year at college, they drop out of their classes and run away together. In order to make a better living, Jon learns carpentry and woodworking, and Joyce becomes a music teacher in the schools. They believe that they will be together forever. However, after suffering the trials of life, their love has gone. Jon falls in love with his apprentice, Edie, who has unpleasant experiences. Although Joyce tries her best to let him come round, they will not live together.
