
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The bluest eyes, written by Toni Morrison, mainly tells a story about the tragic and grievous life of an eleven year old black girl, named Pecola Breedlove who is desperately eager for the acceptation of the society and the people around her. She is despised and badly treated by her friends and neighbors, so she is eager to have blue eyes, white skin and blonde hair, which is the social yardstick of beauty. Beginning with white culture of that time, this thesis further its analysis by demonstrating racial discrimination and some other human causes.

Key words: the bluest eyes, tragedy, white culture, racial discrimination, human causes



1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Toni Morrison
    Toni Morrison, as the first African American woman novelist to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993, became widely acknowledged and gained international fame in literary world. The Nobel Prize citation reads:Toni Morrison,英语毕业论文,“who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality.”() Morrison was born in a black family. Her parents moved to the north to avoid poverty and live a better life. When she was young, she has suffered through all kinds of discrimination and insults. This experience was definitely unforgettable and has paved the way for her writing. The Bluest Eyes(1970), Sula(1974), Solomon(1977), Tar Baby(1981),Beloved(1987), Jazz(1992), Paradise(1999), Love(2017), and A Mercy(2017) are the representatives of her masterpieces. Her masterpieces are all influential and outstanding whose themes ranges from African American life reality to history. Morrison looks deeply into the dark side of the society and sharply blasts at the dominant culture. Most of her novels are concerned with the fate of African American women and their tragedy, and unfolds the conflict between the white culture and the African culture under the background of racial discrimination in American society.
