
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    Winesburg, Ohio, a masterpiece of Sherwood Anderson, describes a set of grotesques living in a small town in Midwest America. This paper elaborates on Sherwood Anderson’s idea that one cannot be redeemed from loneliness and isolation by the touch. The paper begins with the exploration of the reason why it is vital to pay attention to “hands” and appreciates the symbolizations of “hands” in Winesburg, Ohio. Then it focuses on the analysis of “touches” , the particular action of “hands”, and ends with the conclusion that “touches” cannot redeem those grotesques but leads to new grotesques.

Key words: hands, touch, grotesques, symbolization,communication

摘 要


Sherwood Anderson is one of the most significant writers in 1920s. He made friends with many aspiring writers like William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway and offered writing guidance to them. Malcolm Cowley revered Anderson as “a writer’s writer” (Ferres 345). In 1922 Anderson won the first in Dial Prize followed by T. S Eliot who won the second and Winesburg, Ohio is the very reason why Anderson was entitled to such an honor.
Sherwood Anderson, the second son in a family of six children, was raised in the small town of Clyde, Ohio which provided him with valuable materials for his later literature career and served as the original model for A New Book of Grotesque, which was later renamed into Winesburg, Ohio. Winesburg, Ohio was a collection of twenty-five short stories depicting a group of grotesques who were desperate for mutual understanding and communication but end up in loneliness and isolation. Each story focused on a specific inhabitant trapped in his own problem. Most stories followed the recurrent pattern in which the grotesques had their own trouble and tried to unpack their hearts but end in failure, then they would turn to George Willard, the young reporter who has not become a grotesque and was considered as the real spirit of the town.
