
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    In Lord of the Flies, William Golding provides an ideal situation for only boys but not girls to free themselves from cultural constraints and return to the natural behavior, resulting in a tragedy. Through analysis of the novel’s background, this paper intends to demonstrate the theme of this novel--human is evil, so as to explain the rationality and importance of the absence of female in Lord of the Flies: a society, with the absence of female and the subsequent distorted humanity, is incomplete and deformative and will die out as time goes on.

Key words: the boys, the absence of female, absence, humanity

摘    要



1. Introduction
William Golding is one of the most popular and influential writers of Britain in the 20th century. His first book Lord of the Flies is his most excellent work, which has had a profound impact on the development of both the British and the world literature. Since the European literary circles had set off a boom of studying William Golding in the middle of the 20th century, the concern for Lord of the Flies in the academic circles at home and abroad continued warming. When it entered 1990s, many scholars not only explored the creation principles of this classic but also analyzed its themes. What’s more, during this period, there were many articles focusing on the application of symbolism in Lord of the Flies.Such as Wang Qiaoshan’ s “On the Transformation of the Symbolic Meaning of Fire Imagery in The Lord of the Fly”, which interprets the different meanings of the symbol of fire imagery in different contextual situations to explore the process that the human nature transform from rational state to irrational state. And Shi Weixuan and Su Bo’ s “On the Symbolic Paint in Lord of the Flies” discusses the symbolic meaning of an important image--- Paint/ mask, which symbolizes the general evil in human nature. Scholars take a different approach, such as the humanity theme, the narrative structure and the image of fairy tale, from a different perspective to analyze William Golding’ s Lord of the Flies, reflecting the diversification trend of studying this novel.
