
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Bliss, written by Katherine Mansfield, a New Zealand renowned female writer in the early 20th century, is regarded as a classic short story. This thesis focuses on how symbolic effects are achieved through studying three types of symbols concerning female spiritual shackles, female emotional world and female miserable marriage respectively. From the female perspective, these symbols also reflect women’s desire for freedom, independence and happiness, and then help to foster a sound philosophy of life and value of marriage.

Key words:  Bliss, Symbolism, Feminism

摘 要



1.    Introduction
Born in New Zealand, Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) is widely recognized as one of the top female short fiction writers. In 1908, she left for England alone to pursue her writing career. From then on, Mansfield produced a multitude of classic works which pushed her onto the apex of the literary world. Suffering from tuberculosis, Katherine Mansfield died at Fontainebleau, France, in 1923.
    In spite of the short life span, Mansfield enjoyed a permanent literary reputation as the world short fiction master. She assumed an essential and significant role in the movement of British Modernism. Her success of promoting the development of short fictions has been widely taken for granted. The theme of Mansfield’s stories mainly focuses on subtle and sensitive feelings of inside world. Having been translated into many languages, the works of Mansfield are widely read and studied in the world. She is “among the very few writers in English to establish a reputation entirely on the basis of the short story form” (Clare 87). Her unique role in British literature is undeniable. Her best friend, Virginia Woolf, also admitted “I was jealous of her writing. The only writing I have ever been jealous of” (Clare 96). In addition, her contemporaries, such as Thomas Hardy, T.S. Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, all gave a high praise of her works.
