
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


作为世界文坛上非常独特的两位女作家,简•奥斯汀和张爱玲都以擅长描写女性人物著称,用独到的手法生动地刻画出男女之间的联系。《劝导》作为简•奥斯汀最后一部小说,英语论文范文,是对奥斯汀的艺术创作之路的完美总结,被评论家称为奥斯汀最成熟的小说。《倾城之恋》是张爱玲的成名作,也是《传奇》中最具有“传奇”色彩且唯一以大团圆收场的小说。 两本书中的女主角都为大龄单身女性,可以称为现代意义上的“剩女”。本文将从“剩女”的角度介绍《劝导》中的安妮艾略特和《倾城之恋》中的白流苏。一方面,通过比较两个女主人翁在婚恋、家庭联系和社会地位上的相似处境,进一步认识《劝导》和《倾城之恋》;另一方面,通过介绍这两部小说,英语论文,加深对两位女主角“剩女”处境的理解。



As two unique female authors in the literary world, Jane Austen and Eileen Chang are good at shaping the female characters as well as describing the relationship between the male and the female vividly with their own styles. As her last novel, Persuasion is a perfect conclusion to Jane Austen’s artistic creation, titled as her most mature novel. Love in a Fallen City, which establishes the fame of Eileen Chang, is the most typical one in the Legend (Chuan Qi) as well as her only novel with a happy ending. Both of the heroines are elderly single women, who could be called “the lost lady” in the modern sense. The present paper will introduce Anne Elliot in Persuasion and Bai Liusu in Love in a Fallen City from the perspective of “the lost lady”. On the one hand, through the comparison of their love and marriage, family relationship and social status, the paper will help make a further comprehension of Persuasion and Love in a Fallen City; on the other hand, by introducing the two novels, it will help understand “the lost lady” situation of the two heroines.

Key words:  “the lost lady”; love and marriage; family relationship; social status

1. Introduction
With the popularity of My Queen, a TV series made in Taiwan in 2017, more and more people are paying their attention to a special group: the lost lady. The term of “the lost lady” was first defined by a Japanese female writer, SAKAI JUNKO, referring to “the group of women who get high education, have got a good job, but have no lovers.” Nowadays, the so-called “gold misses” enjoy their high-quality single life as well as worry to be “the women on the shelf”.
Even though “the lost lady” is the new term popular with the development of the modern society, the embarrassing situation faced by old-aged women has already existed in the ancient times: In the poems of the Bei Dynasty in China, “the lost lady” was called “the Old Lady”. Generally speaking, “the lost lady” can be understood as the well-educated, single but elderly women, including the maidens as well as the ones divorced. People also call them “the women on the shelf”, a term generated from the website.
