
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Jane Austen and Eileen Chang mark two heights which are hard to be surmounted in the western and eastern literary kingdoms. They were two of those who possessed the gift of depicting the part of world they chose exactly as it was and casting light upon women’s authentic living conditions of their times with their quill pens dripping either with humor or wilderness. As a result of such significance, literary scholars and researchers have never ceased to make efforts to interpret and reinterpret their works in the hope of throwing a bit light upon the immortal question of living. Their representative works --- Pride and Prejudice and Love in a Fallen City --- have been enjoying enormous popularity since their publication. By analyzing the two heroines in their representative works --- Elizabeth Bennet and Bai Liusu, the thesis focuses on the differences of feminine consciousness reflected in their works. Born into a time of peace and prosperity, Jane Austen showed no hatred or revolt in her writings. Despite being anything but a rebel, she was definitely a realist by employing her pen to portray the women’s authentic living conditions of her time. Pleasantness and hope usually dominate her writings; whereas Eileen Chang, a century later than Austen, though wide awake about the plight women were forced into by the unreasonable social conventionalities, she couldn’t find a path out of it. Nothingness and desolation prevail in her writings.

Key words: Jane Austen; Eileen Chang; feminine consciousness; pleasantness; desolation
