
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20




As a classic in the African American literature, Invisible Man, written by Ralph Waldo Ellison, relates a history of growth of the nameless protagonist who does his utmost to strive for self-identity and self-value, hoping to be accepted by the society charged by the White. Burdened with the dual racial identity of the Black and the American, as well as the racial oppression by the White, the Black in America have experienced a peculiar alienation. As the representative of the “Literature of Alienation” and the “Afro-American Literature”, Invisible Man depicts a panorama of the living condition and psychology of the Black, which helps it gain great popularity all over the world. Based on various researches and opinions of different scholars home and abroad, this paper will focus on the distinctive alienation of the black characters in their psychological and practical behaviors in Invisible Man. Deeply delved into the novel, this paper centers on analyzing at length four kinds of Afro-American alienation: the awakening pursuers represented by the protagonist, the masqueraders represented by the headmaster Bledsoe, the servile submissiveness represented by the black worker Brockway and the racial extremists represented by Ras. Therefore, combining the vivid portrayal of the black characters in the novel with the historical and social causes of the racial discrimination, this paper aims to help readers to better understand the alienation of the Black expressed in Invisible Man and learn to analyze the alienated performances in the literary works.

Key words: alienation; the Black; Afro-Americans; Invisible Man

1.    Introduction
As we all know, African Americans are a special ingredient in the “melting pot” of America. The poison of racial discrimination subtly pervades the cultural atmosphere so that even the literary works are under its influence. The “double consciousness”of being an American and a Black imposes them on the obvious obligations and the duty to assert their self-identity, hence resisting assimilation, which is the enduring theme of the “Afro-American Literature”. Responded to the racial prejudice, different black people choose different attitudes, and most of them become powerless, invisible, unattached, marginal and isolated, which are the representations of the concept of “alienation”, forming the distinctive “Literature of Alienation”. 
