
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Eugene O'Neill’s tragedy are written based on his tragic ideology which originated from the classical Greek tragedy, Schopenhauer's pessimism philosophy, Nietzsche’s idea about life values and Freud's psychoanalytic theory. “Long Day’s Journey into Night” is the reflection of these ideas. You can not expect everything to turn out as you wish. Human life itself is a tragedy. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard. An Intelligent man has more depression in spirit than an ignorant man. Eugene O'Neill is the representative figure of the tragedy of the twentieth century in United States. Why do people live? What is controlling people’s life? What is the support of human’s survival? These are what he had been searched in all his life in dramatic. If someone is too intelligent he will have to suffer the mental pain. Because more thought, more pain.

Key words: Eugene O’Neill’s, tragedy, Greek tragedy

1.    Introduction
Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) as the founder of American serious drama, his works reflect the first half of the 20th century American people’s life, thought, confusion and pursuit, revealing their rich inner world. Eugene O'Neill's tragedy has deep ideological content and philosophical implication that result from his inherited and deepened the spirit of ancient Greek tragedy. Ancient Greek tragedy profoundly affected the spirit of Eugene O'Neill's tragedy creation, provides important source to his works of art.
O'Neill had created modern American tragedy with his tragic creative. His tragic concept first is not of drama, but the concept of society and life. O'Neill respected classical tragedy, thinking that tragedy should motivate people in spirit, and emancipate people from the trivial and greed of daily life, that to achieve a more profoundly understanding of life. Though O’Neill’s view on tragedy is a lofty spiritual value, he never evades or conceals contradictions, nor arranges artificial happy end. He believes that people should know what is behind them. They should have the courage to face the disillusionment of ugliness and beauty.
