
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


In the past few years, the theme of vampire has occupied various kinds of media and forms its own cultural popularity. All kinds of researches or discussions about vampire have been booming in the corners of the world. From different points and in different languages, people bring the vampire culture back to life and dig its connotative meaning in the new era.
The theme of vampire, which deeply roots in the west, has been a particular symbol in the western culture. As time goes by, the image of vampire is changing. Vampire, as the legend of the west, is art shaped by human. Inevitably, the literary role has a natural relationship with human mind or psychology. On the basis of detailed analysis of works about vampire, the thesis attempts to depict the typical outline of vampire in different periods. In light of gender differences and focusing on female groups, it tries to demonstrate how female’s viewpoint on love affects the adaptation of vampire’s typical figure.
The paper comprises five parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part provides information of the Gothic tradition in order to present the change of the figure of vampire and pave way for later discussion. It not only analyzes the natural relationship between Gothic tradition and vampire, but also gives the time order to present the exact changing process of vampire. The third part is the core of the thesis. It classifies the female groups into two and verifies the supporting point with proof from the authoritative works and the common sense. Consequently, the whole try is aimed to portray a clear illustration as much as possible. Part four settles some questions left for future working and elaborates the abundant possibilities in the study of the literary world. The last part -- Conclusion, brings the thesis to a natural close and provides some self-reflections in and beyond the thesis.

Key words: vampire, change, female’s viewpoint on love, literature


吸血鬼,根植于西方的历史背景中,象征西方文化中的特殊意象。伴随着时光荏苒,经历了形象的流变。吸血鬼作为西方的神话,是人创造的艺术,因而不能将其与人的心理割裂开来。 本课题试图对西方业已存在的吸血鬼的传说、故事、描绘及著作,进行整理。在不同时期,通过抽离出吸血鬼形象的典型,英语论文范文,来呈现吸血鬼形象流变的概貌。同时,基于女性心理学等理论依据,以理论中的女性爱情观的角度,解释吸血鬼形象流变的某些特征的来源,解释女性爱情观对吸血鬼形象进行塑形和改造影响。

