
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20



关键词:《觉醒》, 艾德娜, 觉醒,自我意识,性意识


The Awakening as a short novel,  published in 1899,is widely considered to be a proto-feminist precursor to American modernism. The story is about a woman named Edna, who betrays her husband mentally and bodily, which is a scandal to the racist and sexist values of the patriarchal South. Kate Chopin’s bold accomplishment in creating a character who tries to break through the strict social code of feminine purity and entangling web of custom that constricted women’s individual lives gives The Awakening historical importance as well as social interest.

This thesis analyzes Edna’s self awakening and sex awakening process from the story plot, narrative method, story characters, symbols and other factors. Through these analyses, we can find the novel is not simply about the sexual awakening of a woman in traditional society. It is also about the emerging individuality of a woman who refuses to be defined by the prevailing stereotypes of passive femininity, who lacks the psychological and mental power to resist the traditional of enforced passivity.

Keywords: The Awakening,英语毕业论文,    Edna,awakening,self awareness,sex awareness

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Kate Chopin
Kate Chopin, born Katherine O'Flaherty on February 8, 1850, was an American author of short stories and novels, mostly of a Louisiana Creole background. She is now considered to have been a forerunner of feminist authors of the 20th century.
