
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: The thesis aims at analyzing the main writing style of Hemingway through his novel The Old Man and the Sea. Iceberg theory, which Hemingway propounds and employs in his literary works, interests many readers and critics in the world. Besides, praised by a famous writer as “the most excellent simple article in this generation”, symbolism is another typical writing style in this novel. Hemingway uses symbol to give the reader a better look and an easier understanding of what the book is about. The use of symbolism in the novel gives them deeper meaning sort of like a lesson. Hemingway places symbol, leaving the reader to look deeper into the obvious plot of the works. This paper concludes that in The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway’s main writing style is demonstrated at its mightiest and it is worthy to be studied further.

Key words: iceberg theory; symbolism; Hemingway


关键词:冰山原理  象征手法  海明威

1.    Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Hemingway
Born in 1899, Ernest Hemingway’s writing career began in high school and continued until his death in 1961, with several of his works published posthumously. Hemingway is a productive writer. In his lifetime, he finished six long pieces of fictions and more than fifty medium and short stories. Among them, A Farewell to Arms, the representative work of the Lost Generation, is the symbol of the formation of iceberg theory. When The Old Man and the Sea appeared in 1952, he had been an international literary celebrity for more than a quarter of a century. The Old Man and the Sea is considered to be the climax of his special writing style. In 1954, Hemingway won Nobel Prize in literature for his mastery of the art of narration.
During all his life Ernest Hemingway is possibly one of American most famous writers. His artistic style, his particular type of hero in his novels, his manner and his attitudes has been very widely recognized. This is true not only in the English- Speaking world but also in the places where books are widely read.
