
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: Austen is one of the typical novelists whose works are full of round characters and flat   characters. This thesis aims to analyze round characters and flat characters in Emma to reveal the concepts of round characters and flat characters, their origin, and the differences between the two types of characters. Those colorful characters in the novel are the round characters. On the other hand, those that people can know at a glance are called flat characters. These two types are both very important and they complement each other in the novel. The point of view of round characters and flat characters will help readers have brand-new and profound thoughts about Jane Austen and her novel Emma.

Key words: Emma; flat characters; Jane Austen; round characters



1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Jane Austen and Emma
Jane Austen (1775-1817), one of the most famous realism feminist novelists in England, is successful in describing common people’s ordinary life. Her novels are from woman's special view and observation to show the life around her small world. From a small clue of her novel, people can see the entire social situation in Europe of 19th century. Her works are full of humorous and comic conflict. Just as Lefory and Helen said about Jane Austen, "her novels play a nexus role in the history of the development of English novel."
Austen did not get married during her whole life. But from her novels, people can hardly find her pessimism. Most of her novels' themes consist of love, marriage, happy ending and so on. It seems that she put her good wishes of love and family on her novels. Nevertheless, in her works, people can find one same thing, that is "marriage of convenience". She does not describe a fairy tale love. The characters in her novels are very real, but if she only describes people's daily life, she might be a good realism novelist, not a great one. People can see a vivid picture of middle-class's ordinary life in the UK during 18th to 19th century in her novel. So readers love Austen since she can echo their mind and heart through space and time.

