
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Charles Dickens is a British critical realistic novelist in the 19th century. He paid particular attention to the life experience of the “little” that lived at the bottom of the society, and profoundly reflected of the complex social reality in Britain at that time. Oliver Twist is one of his realistic novels. The novel, taking the fog city London as the background, tells a story of an orphan’s tragic life experience and setbacks. Growing up in an orphanage, Oliver suffered a lot. After leaving the orphanage, he was ever an apprentice. He was ever cheated to be a thief. And, he was ever forced to stay with evils. After experiencing countless bitterness, and finally with the help of kind people, he got a happy life.
Initiation is an everlasting literary theme. A Bildungsroman is a novel which describes the growth of the characters or protagonist. It is based on the narration of a character’s experiences to show inspiration of initiation and to reflect the changes of a character’s thoughts and transformation in mentality from naivety to maturity. Oliver Twist is a typical initiation novel. However, scholars usually analyze it from the point of view of humanity and violence, characters’ personalities and social criticism. This paper, from the perspective of initiation theme, based on the description of the hero’s initiation experience, analyzes the changes of hero’s characteristics and psychological states and highlights the initiation theme. In the modern society, there are too many temptations and negative factors, which make a great negative impact on the development of young people. Everyone should stick to their kindness and innocence.
Key words: Oliver Twist  initiation theme  Oliver  psychological changes
摘  要
关键词:《雾都孤儿》  成长主题  奥利弗  心理变化 
