
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Wuthering Heights is the only novel written by Emily Bronte and is regarded as “the most peculiar novel” as it depicts characters with strong emotions and impressive personality. Of the characters, Heathcliff is a classic one with his intense love, ruthless revenge and unusual behaviors. This thesis attempts to analyze Heathcliff’s personality from the perspective of the attachment theory by focusing on his attachment types and the embodiment of his attachment types in behaviors to reveal his innermost conflict and psychological activities. 

Key words: Personality   Attachment Theory   Heathcliff

摘 要


关键词:性格  依恋理论  希斯克利夫

1 Introduction
Wuthering Heights is the only novel written by British writer Emily Bronte and its plot and characters caused a certain great shock and terror to the public when it was first published in 1848. Some critics denounced it as "a shocking ridiculous meaningless work, the novel is ghastly and bloodcurdling, and it is also morbidity and paganism". However, Wuthering Heights has been increasingly popular in the later centuries. Originally, Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr. Earnshaw’s house in Northern England. Taken it as the title, Wuthering Heights narrates the story that involved the residents in two households: Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange in northern England. The protagonist Heathcliff was a gipsy orphan picked up by Mr. Earnshaw and brought up with his children Hindley and Catherine. Hindley detested Heathcliff as he thought Heathcliff took the love of his father and sister. Though Heathcliff and Catherine were in love with each other, a certain misunderstanding occurred between them as Heathcliff overheard part of conversation between Catherine and the housekeeper that she was going to marry Edgar at Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliff then disappeared and returned later to bring merciless revenge upon his enemies. Heathcliff has become one of the most complex characters of the English novels. His crazy revenge makes people feel confused, which also fully displays his extraordinary rebellious spirit. Heathcliff is a unique character who dares to love and hate, and he is “a person full of wild and rebellious spirit.”The love between him and Catherine makes the world shocked, at the same time he is also a victim of social systems at that time.
