
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

In the famous novel The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, the minor character Nick is an ideal narrator both for the author and for the readers. To some extend, he serves as spokesman for the author and a mirror for the readers. From the perspective of story telling, Nick provides the author with convenience. First, his relationship with other characters gives him a perfect vantage to tell the story. Second, he tells the story vividly as an insider, while maintaining a bit of objective distance as an observer because of the mixture of the first-person and third-person narrative voice. That is to say, Nick joins the plot and experiences all the major events, but sometimes he escapes the plot and comment on others. At the same time, Nick’s qualities like honesty, tolerance, prudence, and candidness make him a reliable narrator for the readers. From the perspective of theme presentation, Nick takes a similar standpoint with the author. His comments on other characters and the American society express the author’s disillusionment with American Dream and the Jazz Age. On the other hand, Nick’s middle-class social status, his observer position, his “nobody” identity-opposite to Gatsby’s “great”- and his weakness in character make the readers easily identify with him. He is a mirror, reflecting the author's attitude and thoughts and letting the readers find themselves in him. Thus, the readers can more easily accept the theme represented by the author. Nick believes “I am a bond man”. Here the “bond” is a pun, not only meaning Nick goes to New York City to learn the bond business, but also meaning Nick is a link person. He connects the author with the readers.

Key words: Narrator; Nick; narrative voice; The Great Gatsby; spokesman; mirror

摘  要:
在菲茨杰拉德的著名小说《了不起的盖茨比》中,次要人物尼克关于作者与读者来说都是理想的叙述者。在一定程度上说,他充当作者的发言人并且是读者的镜子。从叙述角度上来说,尼克为作者展开故事提供了方便。首先,他与小说中其他人物的联系为讲述故事提供了便利。其次,由于第一人称与第三人称写叙事手法的混合应用,尼克在作为一个亲历者精彩讲述故事的同时, 也与其他人物保持一定程度的距离,保证了叙事的客观性。换句话说,尼克参与情节发展,英语毕业论文,经历所有重要事件,而有时他又游离于情节之外观察他人。同时,关于读者来说,尼克的诚实、宽容、谨慎、坦率等品质使他成为可靠的叙述者。从表现主题的角度来说,一方面,尼克与作者具有相似的立场。他对其他人物和美国社会的评价表达了作者关于美国梦与爵士时代的幻灭。另一方面,尼克的中产阶级社会地位,观察者角色,相比与“了不起的盖茨比 ”的 “小人物”身份,以及性格上的弱点都使读者很容易认同他。他是一面镜子,映射了作者的态度与想法,也让广大读者从他身上看到了自己。由此,英语论文网站,读者更易于接受作者所表达的主题。尼克相信“我是一个 bond 人”。这里的“bond”是一个双关语,不仅意味着尼克去纽约学习的债券业务,而且还意味着尼克是一个纽带式的人物。他把作者和读者关系了到了一起。


