
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

:Pride and Prejudice is one of Austen’s greatest works. The novel reveals the views on marriage held by the majority of the people in the 19th century by displaying the different marriages in the novel. People in Austen’s age believed that money played an important role in marriage. Austen reflects the very idea in her novels. In Pride and Prejudice, it is not difficult to see that people’s discussions about marriages always happened in the circumstances, such as on the dancing balls and at parties. In their discussions, the author expresses that money is vital to a marriage and regarded as an important element influencing people’s thought when they talks about marriages. Obviously, the late 18th century and early 19th century witnessed the appearance of an economic determined world filled with cruel competitions in Britain. Therefore, Austen reflects the facts that money and social status determine the life, destiny and marriage of the people of her age. However, Austen still expresses her views on marriage in the Pride and Prejudice, which stresses that the essence of marriage is no more than the transaction of money and mutual benefits in spite of the importance of money in life. Based on Austen’s views on marriage, the thesis mainly discusses Austen’s understanding of marriage by analyzing three major marriages. Through the detailed analysis of the different marriages, the thesis points out that an ideal marriage should be based on true love and mutual respect in Austen’s opinion. 

Keywords: pride; prejudice; money; love; marriage



1 Introduction
1.1 An Introduction to Jane Austen
Born in 1775, Jane Austen was the youngest daughter of George Austen, rector of the village of Steventon in Hampshire. She received a good education at home and lived an uneventful life amid the provincial surroundings of the southern Britain. In the case of Austen, she got no experience about marriage because she remained unmarried for the whole life. Nevertheless, she was famous for her novels about marriages and life in the provincial surroundings which was familiar to her.
