
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

美国作家威廉.福克纳的著作《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》被视为美国南方哥特式小说的杰作。自问世以来受到人们的广泛关注, 学者们纷纷对该篇小说从各种角度,例如小说中的象征意义,角色略论及叙述角度等,展开了热烈的讨论, 并提出了自己的独特观点。小说充满悬疑,耐人寻味。艾米丽的生活完全掌握在他父亲手中,英语论文,她没有权利去约会和选择自己所爱的人。在他父亲去世之后,他开始和一个北方的工人约会,但令她失望的是这个工人拒绝和她结婚,于是便用毒药杀死了这个工人,让尸体一直陪伴着她。在艾米丽死了之后,镇上的人们在她的屋内发现了北方工人的尸骨,英语论文题目,原来艾米丽是杀人凶手,大家都震惊不已。小说就美国南方的社会文化,人际联系,清教社会价值观的腐败等问题进行了探究,是探讨美国南方文化的绝佳材料。本篇论文主要从南方的社会体制的作用如男权主义和清教时期的妇女,家庭教育,镇上居民作用来略论导致主人公艾米丽悲剧发生的社会原因。通过这篇文章,读者可以进一步了解美国南部文化和福克纳写这部恐怖短篇小说的意图。



A Rose for Emily written by American writer William Faulkner is regarded as the representative work of southern gothic fiction of America. It enjoys global popularity ever since its birth and scholars have a heated discussion about it from different aspects such as symbolism, characters, and narrative skills and put forward their unique ideas. This paper focuses on the causes for Emily’s tragedy. The story is full of suspense and intensely interesting. Emily’s life was completely dominated by her father and she had no right to date with males and choose her lover. After her father’s death, she could only date with a northern worker. But to her disappointment, the worker refused to marry her, and the refusal drove her to kill him by using poison, and she let his body company her. After Emily’s death, the town people discovered a skeleton in the house, and found out that the poor Emily was a murder, and people were shocked a lot. This novel explores the problems of the culture of the South of American, human’s relationship and the corruption of Christian society value, so it is a great material for learning American history and culture. This thesis attempts to, from the southern social system such as Patriarchal chauvinism and Puritan womanhood, family education and the influence of people in the town to analyze the social causes of Emily’s Tragedy. Through this thesis, the reader can get a further understanding of the south of America and Faulkner’s intention to write such a horrifying short story.

Key words: the culture of the south of American; patriarchal chauvinism; puritan womanhood; family education;

