
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

《绿山墙的安妮》是加拿大女作家露西•莫德•蒙哥马利(Lucy Maud Montgomery,1874~1942)的小说处女作,它被视为儿童文学的经典之作,在世界广泛流传,引起了全世界狂热的“安妮”热。该小说讲述了孤儿安妮长大成人的故事。这是一部描写儿童生活的小说。小说女主人公安妮是一个满头红发,英语论文题目,整天喋喋不休的十一岁女孩。小安妮天真热情,满脑子都是浪漫的想象。本论文采用了儿童文学相关理论以及引用和举例的方式对安妮这一形象进行探讨,探讨她的性格特点以及作用她性格的相关因素,重点阐述了安妮从一个调皮淘气、有点疯癫的、爱幻想的小丫头成长为一个勤奋、有爱心且勇敢的少女的成长历程,英语论文范文,本文旨在指出作者笔下的安妮之所以拥有永恒的魅力,归根到底是因为安妮的平凡普通, 让读者觉得她是身边一起成长的伙伴,和她之间没有距离感。



Anne of Green Gables is written by Lucy Maud Montgomery; it is her first work and is regarded as a classic of Children literature, so it is popular throughout the world and causes a hot affection for Anne. The novel Anne of Green Gables tells a story about an orphan growing up in the green gables. This is a novel which describes the child’s happy life. This girl is named Anne Shelly, and she is an 11-year-old girl who likes chattering without stop and with red hair. Anne is innocent and enthusiastic, full of imagination in her mind. In this paper, the author adopts the theory of children’s literature and method of citing and listing to further depict Anne’s image in children’s literature and her attractive personalities. Why is Anne so popular? Anne turns from a little girl who is naughty, a bit crazy, enjoys fantastic thinking and grows up into a diligent, loving and brave girl. The reason why Anne owns endless charming is her ordinary and common personality which makes the readers feel that the partner beside her has no sense of distance with Anne.

Key words: Anne of Green Gables;Anne, Character, Children’s literature

1 Introduction
Anne of Green Gables is a novel written by the Canadian female writer Lucy Maud Montgomery about the description of childhood. For hundred of years, the readers throughout the whole world all confirm Mark Twain’s comment on Anne of Green Gables  one hundred years ago that Anne is the most touching and popular children’s literature image after the immortal Alice. It caused the reader’s affection all over the world for hundred of years. Since the advent of this novel, it has been translated into more than 30 languages and even its circulation has amounted to more than 50 million. It has already become the literature classics in the world. Its influence is far beyond time and space, cultural and national boundaries. In this paper the author analyzes the heroin Anne’s character and makes the reader further understand why Anne is so popular in the modern world.

