
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




Sons and Lovers is a masterpiece of the distinguished English writer David Herbert Lawrence, and it is a closely autobiographic novel. It portrays the life of the coal miner Morels in the 19th century and pays a lot of attention to the depiction of the complicated relationship among Mrs. Morel, Mr. Morel, Paul and his two lovers, in particular, the distorted love between the hero Paul and his mother, Mrs. Morel, which is introduced as Oedipus Complex by Sigmund Freud. This paper makes an analysis of the characteristics, William, protagonist Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Morel, Clara and Miriam living environment and relationship of every character in the novel, considering the social background of the day and Freud's psychoanalysis theory, and then makes a further exploration of the origin, embodiment, development causes and effects of the distorted motherhood in the novel. This paper aims to present a more authentic and vivid picture of Paul's Oedipus Complex about what it is and how it comes into being. Through the research, the author of this paper raises some of her own opinions on how to handle this kind of emotion in a more sensible and positive way.

Key words: Oedipus Complex; social background;distorted love;psychoanalysis theory

1 Introduction
David Herbert Lawrence (1885–1930), one of the most unique and controversial English novelists of the 20th century, was also a poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers, one of his most distinguished novels, is the first mature novel of D.H. Lawrence published in 1913. It is a closely autobiographic novel. In this novel, Lawrence presented various relationships among the characters, in particular, the relationship between Paul and his mother, Gertrude Morel. No matter the background or the special experience in the relationship with mother, the protagonist, Paul, and Lawrence himself, were very much alike.
