
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




Wuthering Heights is considered as the most special novel in the English history. The main male character Heathcliff's cruel revenge fills the entire novel with strangeness, violence and splendor. There are several reasons for Heathcliff to form his characters. The special environment created the special characters of Heathcliff who became a powerful and villainous man, capable of extreme cruelties and it was the special characters that doomed his special fate. On the other hand, the love between Heathcliff and Catherine was so overwhelmingly strong that Catherine’s betrayal forced Heathcliff to take the extreme measures to get revenge to Catherine and the society. Through analyzing the process and the reasons for Heathcliff to form his characters to expose how the capitalist society put a man into an evil person. When Heathcliff realized that it was the money and the social position that result in his loss of dignity, especially the love of Catherine. He decided to use cruel punishment or treatment to anyone who had relationship with Catherine or anyone he hated. The end of the novel was that Heathcliff gave up the revenge to the next generation and committed suicide. His death expressed his undying for Catherine and the recovery of humanity.

Key words: Heathcliff; characters; extreme love and hatred;revenge
1 Introduction
Wuthering Heights is the Flower of English literature. It is a romantic work which describes a thrilling love story. The story started from the wildness and ended as a tragedy, in which we see the long lasting revenge and hatred between the two families. Heathcliff is the hero of this novel and his personality and his love tragedy in this novel show us that the social environment shapes the character of the people, and the character leads to the people’s destiny.
