
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




In the history, the racial discrimination in United States is time-honored and remarked by Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Mrs. Stowe. Whatever at home or in abroad, the studies about the American racial discrimination are diversity. For the United States itself, it can be seen that the existence of racial discrimination is everywhere in politics, education, culture and data regardless of the black slave society from ancient to modern human rights community. Obama came to power and re-election have brought spiritual force for the Negro, though the situation of blacks is still, as always, the essence of African Americans is still , racial discrimination is still deeply rooted exist between whites and blacks. To completely eliminate the historical legacy of racial discrimination, the United States still has a long way to go; this is a difficult task the historical mission which had to shoulder.

Key words: Uncle Tom’s Cabin; racial discrimination; United States; black slave society; Obama; mission

1 Introduction
This paper mainly studies the racial discrimination of United States through the analysis of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Since 1820s, abolition system problems have become the center of American progress opinion issues. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) is a realistic work which was written by the Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896), an American abolitionist and author. She was influential both for her writings and her public stands on social issues of the time. At that time many famous American writer stood on the side of the abolition and called for emancipating the slaves. Mrs. Stowe is the most outstanding one of this batch of abolition writers. Her novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin aroused the abolition of the people who were desirous but dare not to resist the oppression of the slave owners who were almost the white America. The impact of the novel toward American society is evident and significant and substantively powerful. We can see through the novel that the United States has a long history of racial discrimination; there have been racial issues. This thesis sets out to the racial problem which is reflected from the novel and mainly talks about racial problem and the present measure policy in America. The paper will talk about the impact caused by this novel and the American history and the construction of population in America and also the current situation about the racial problems. Its prime issues should be solved in this paper is that why the racial problem should grasp the interest of American government and public, also what policies for the Blacks in different aspects is benefit to them.
