
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




Dickens is often said to be a great humorist, but more importantly the great innovators in the literature. There are a lot of mysteries about Charles Dickens and his works. Many commentators from different perspectives use different approaches to study Dickens and his works, and draw different conclusions. Charles Dickens' Great Expectations portrays the image of a few prominent female personality characteristics. This paper analyzes the reasons of Miss Havisham's tragic ending from the aspects of the society, her family and herself, aiming at revealing the tragic status and endings of the females in the Victorian England under the male-centered society. At the same time, understand the author's views on women, to a certain extent, readers can have a deeper understanding of the characters in the work and the theme of the subject, and better to experience the charm of Great Expectations.

Key words: Great Expectation; The image of female; Victorian

1 Introduction
Great Expectation is one of Charles Dickens’ greatest novels. This paper analyzes the female character of Miss Havisham and the reasons of Miss Havisham's tragic ending from the aspects of the society, her family and herself, aiming at revealing the tragic status and endings of the females in the Victorian England under the male-centered society. Miss Havisham as one of the major figure in the novel, she has the distinctive character and she encountered a variety of misfortune. As well as she impose a variety of unimaginable cruelty to the people around her. All of this are sufficient to show that she is a very representative figure in this novel, and it’s necessary to analysis her image.The character Miss Havisham reflects the Victorian women’s social status and living conditions. From the image of Miss Havisham readers can have a deeper understand of the female image in Victorian, and can also know more about the social and historical situation at that time.
