
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要

美国小说家玛格丽特.米切尔的《飘》以美国内战为历史背景,生动形象地刻画了小说中出现的主要人物,给读者留下了难以忘怀的印象。瑞德•巴特勒是《飘》中的男主人公,是一个具有复杂性格的矛盾的统一体,可以说瑞德•巴特勒是一个充满传奇色彩的人物,但正是由于他的出现与存在才使得斯佳丽的人物形象变得更加丰满,才使得《飘》这个世界文学史上的璀璨明珠更具魅力。这里以白瑞德的性格略论为主线,阐述了白瑞德性格的双重性, 他总是在赫思嘉最需要帮助的时候出现。他独立不羁,偏离世俗与常规;他淋漓挥洒的自由和热情,有着邪恶的气息,如同地狱的暗火,英语毕业论文,真切而又震撼人心。目的是在鉴赏人物性格的同时,研讨该人物性格的时代意义。在《飘》里,光彩照人的形象比比皆是,英语论文,而狡黯成熟的白瑞德,也是玛格丽特心目中最深爱的男性形象吧。本文以小说中主要人物的性格特点为略论视角,重点突出当时社会背景因素对主角性格形成的影响以及对人物命运所产生的作用。



"Gone with the Wind" written by American novelist Margaret Mitchell is a novel based on the American Civil War. Personality and destiny of the main characters in Gone with the Wind are described vividly,has left an unforgettable impression to the readers. Rhett Butler is the male protagonist of Gone with the Wind. He is a complex and contradictory character of unity. It can be said Rhett Butler is a legendary character; his existence makes the figure of Scarlett become more affluent and makes Gone with the Wind be more brilliant and attractive. The main line of the paper is the analysis of Rhett Butler’s characters. He always appeared right away when Scarlett needs help; he is independent, deviate from the secular and regular; he drops away freedom and enthusiasm with evil breath, dark as hell fire, real and humbling. The purpose is to explore the significance of the era concerning of the main figures personalities while appreciating his character. There are lots of brilliant figures in Gone with the Wind, and Rhett ,a cunning dark mature man must be the deepest lover of Margaret. The analysis of main character as the view of this paper focused on social background factors affect on the human protagonist character formation and fate.

Key words: Gone with the Wind; Rhett; character; image

1 Introduction
As is known to all that everyone has his own destiny. Many factors will influence a person's destiny, such as education, chance and personality. In the writer's opinion, personality is the determinative factor of a person's destiny. Many famous literatures reveal this truth. One example might be Jane Eyre of Charlotte Bronte. Another example could be Emma Bovary of Flaubert” Madame Bovary". Gone with the Wind is a typical of novels in describing personality and destiny of characters. The author, Margaret, was born in Atlanta. In her hometown, the Civil War was always the topic of daily talks at the time, and the heroes and stories impressed her deeply. This paper intends a two-fold investigation into the determinative relationship between personality and destiny of the main characters: First, the relationship between personality and business, and second, the relationship between personality and emotional life.
