
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




The aim of this paper is to study Scarlett who was a brave, optimist and rebellious but a selfish female character, then giving modern women the enlightenments of business, family and interpersonal relationship. So it can help the men to reduce the pressure from finance and mentality and it also can truly achieve the women’s liberation. This research mainly adopts the survey method and descriptive method, scrutinizing and analyzing the description of Scarlett in the text. The research finds that Scarlett had strong-will and innovative mind, so she survived in the war. At the same time, she was a selfish woman, so she failed in love. The research proves that the fate depends on personalities, the personalities dominant one’s life. One’s personalities affect his behaviors and his life. Therefore, one’s life can be perfect and glorious through adjusting and optimizing one’s personalities as well as attitudes to life.  

Key words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; character image; female; enlightenment

1 Introduction

Nowadays, there are still some people discriminate against women, they think women are more frail and weaker than men ,so some firms prefer to employ the male. So my essay is to show that the women are stronger than people usually think and gives modern women some suggestions to be independent and strong. Moreover, it will enlighten modern women being confident with themselves as well as pursing ideals and enterprises bravely. Modern women should learn to be independent from men, so they can get rid of the men’s control to live a life they dream about.
The Scarlett in Gone with the Wind, was a brave, optimist and selfish as well as rebellious female. She reflected the different spirit of women and set and example for women. So, modern women can get some enlightenments from her.
