
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




In the paper, the misery which women and natural resources were almost oppressed by men at that time in England is revealed by the analysis of Jane Eyre’s character. The aim is to express Charlotte Bronte’s desire for the gender equality. Literature survey, the comparative study and history combing logic were mainly taken to collect relevant information and analyze the content. It mainly describes Jane’s struggling for the social equality and financial independence. In addition, it presents the author’s desire for the gender equality and natural release as well as for the development of female self-consciousness and for the establishment of the ideally harmonious and equal society. The paper mainly presents the author’s strong thirsty and yearning for the gender equality in the way of the analysis of Jane Eyre. Compared with the researches done before, the biggest difference from these former ones is that it will combine Charlotte Bronte’s special experiences and the similarities with Jane to express the author’s inner thoughts on the relationship between men and women. Then it proves that the influence of Jane Eyre on the modern society cannot be ignored, for today’s concept of equality between men and women is the reflection, continuation and development of Charlotte Bronte’s strong desire.

Key words: Jane Eyre; Charlotte Bronte; equality; desire

1  Introduction
As the society in the 19th century is all the way controlled by men, women are just appendants of them in all ages, especially in undeveloped countries. Charlotte Bronte created Jane who had the same sufferings and experiences with her to express her desire for the equality between the sexes and her thirst for freedom and independence. At that time, Jane is an exception. And she attempts to seek for the suitable balance between body and moral, between female and male and between individual and society, which is called the gender equality.
