
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The ecofeminism is always a tendency for the study classics. The purpose of this thesis is to dig out the story and the fate of the heroine in the Hills like White Elephants, then learning the relationships between the human and nature, male and female, which was expressed by Hemingway from the aspect of ecofeminist. By probing the relationship between woman and nature in Hemingway's short story Hills Like White Elephant, we can see women are subordinate to patriarchy in society and that this subordination is directly linked to the exploited nature, and the consequence of the oppression both to women and nature is the loss of vitality of the earth. Only by constructing an equal relationship can we realize a harmonious society.

Key Words:Hemingway, feminism, ecofeminism


关键词: 海明威,女性主义,英语论文网站,生态女性主义
1. Introduction
1.1 Background information
People shall never forget and value for the rest of their life when reading Hemingway’s short story Hills Like White Elephants. For a long period, in the comments on this short story, the researchers always focus on the interpretation and illation, but not on the careful reading and appreciation.
As we all know that Hemingway’s image of the unyielding man impressed people a lot. We surely consider that male characters are always in the dominant position in his stories, on the other hand, the female is the “puppet without discourse power”, they serve as a contrast or foil in the male world. However, if we analyze his stories in the direction of ecofeminist, it is not difficult for us to realize Hemingway has an insight into the women’s misery, which has surpassed the tunnel vision of the other male writers. At the same time, he tries to rethink profoundly how to solve the dilemma of surviving and ecology in the human society, which is dominated by the patriarchal culture. His cognition of human and nature, male and female, and the interdependent relationships between people have expressed his ecofeminist sensibility adequately.
