
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. It originated during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century when women started to realize the importance of their own happiness. On this situation, literatures presenting feminism came into being. Many works with feminism drew great attention. Among all of these masterpieces, Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, which was published in 1899, was one of the most influential works and brought great impact to the society. In the novel, Kate Chopin endeavored to reveal the realities of modern women’s aspiration and struggle which was symbolized by feminism.
This paper will focus on feminism presented in the novel The Awakening. It will analyze in detail the process of Edna’s awakening from feudalism and men’s domination over women by means of feminist theory and then reveal both the advantages and weakness of feminism at that time. The paper has four parts. The first part is the introductory part. It will introduce the background, structure and method of this paper and will also demonstrate the significance of this research. The second part of this paper is mainly about the previous research on Feminism and The Awakening. The third part, the main part of this paper will analyze the reason, realities and limitations of Edna’s awakening and the Feminism ideas presented in her awakening. And then, the last part, the conclusion of the paper, will focus on the conclusion and the limitations of this paper. All in all, on the one hand, this paper not only aims to demonstrate that heroine Edna bravely resists the unequal treatment to women under the large patriarchal society, but also shows us her great inspiration to the future generations. On the other hand, it also aims to point out the historical limitations and inevitable failure of feminism.
Key Word:   Feminism   the awakening   Edna   advantageous meaning    historical limitations

关键词:  女权主义   觉醒   埃德娜   进步意义   历史局限性
