
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Yeats is considered as renowned poet in the twentieth century. He created a unique world of symbolism in his poems. He was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in 1923 and established a splendid and mysterious symbolic system featured by symbolism, aestheticism, modernism and romanticism. The thesis will analyze the application and development of symbolism in Yeats’ poems, explore the theoretic resources of symbolism and the combination of symbolic images and reality, and at last, explain the correlation between symbolism and philosophical concepts in his poems. Through the analysis of the application and development of symbolism in Yeats’ poetic works, this thesis will provide a new perspective for researching the symbolism of Yeats.
Keywords  Yeats   symbolism   development   images

关键词  叶芝   象征主义   发展   意象

According to the Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, symbol means to throw together. It derives from the Greek verb symballein. Its noun symbolon means “mark, emblem, token or sign”. It is an object, animate or inanimate, which represents or “stands for” something else.
In this way, there are two aspects in a symbol: One is the representing, the other is the represented. Symbolizing is equal to throwing the two aspects together. For words in and of themselves are signs, language is made up by a system of symbols. To use words is equal to using symbols. In a larger sense, literature which is a language artistically expressed is therefore an art of how to symbolize. The symbolic element can be traced back to the beginning of literature.
